Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
A functional behavior assessment focuses on behaviors that interfere with a child’s ability to engage meaningfully in school, the community, or at home. The goal of the evaluation is to identify the function of interfering behaviors (why the behaviors are displayed); conditions under which the behaviors occur; and factors that reinforce the behaviors.
An FBA provides information needed to remove conditions in a child’s environment that trigger challenging behaviors; teach a child prosocial behaviors to replace those that interfere; and reinforce a child’s use of prosocial behaviors. An FBA results in a behavior plan that can be implemented and followed at home, in school, and in the community. An FBA can also identify the degree of intervention a child may require to make meaningful progress (for example, a smaller class size or the support of a behavior interventionist).
An evaluation report will be provided outlining results and recommendations. The assessment will be reviewed with the family during a parent consultation.